Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Irony, Vibe and Erykah Badu

The Angry Black Woman has an interesting post on Erykah Badu's Vibe cover story. ABW clips a great quote from Badu, which I show in a screencap after the cut, along with Vibe's rephrasing of the quote.

I'll wait until your facepalm is over. If you did not immediately find your face in your palm, notice that Vibe turned the meaning around a bit with their injudicious editing of what Badu said. Sigh. Also, for your additional irony needs, when I went to the article, here's what I saw at the top of the page.

Good for Vibe for interviewing Badu about this subject. I await the results of any introspection this might prompt. With not much hope.

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