Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Best Journal Spam? Or Best Journal Spam EVAR?

Got this in the old inbox today:

"Dear Dear Author,
We short listed you after reading your thoughfull research work :
"Research Article"
International Journal of Case Studies Impact Factor 3.582 has just published its Latest issue (Vol. 3, Issue. 5) at: We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest. .
Case Studies Journal Honors
1)Editorial Board: 24 board members / 14 institutions / 12 different countries – 2)Three year of operation, 21 issues on Monthly basis. 3)115 published papers (3.50 authors per paper) 4)335 different authors from 42 different countries and 114 different 5)institutions/organizations 6)acceptance rate: 40% 7)days to review (all rounds):30 .
Publication Packages for Individuals
(1)International Authors (Up to 10 Pages & 2 Authors) $ 50 USD
(2)International Authors (Up to 10 to 20 Pages & 5 Authors) - $ 100 USD-.
(2)Masters / PhD Thesis (20 to 50 Pages- 5 to 10 Authors) - $ 300 USD -

Life Time Publication Package for Universities, Research Institutes
(1)International Authors (No Author’s and Pages Limit) $ 500 USD –Life Time Offer
(2)10 Papers publications in this package life time no time limit –
(2)Normal fee is $ 1500 just pay $500 Save $ 1000
(2)All Papers reviewed under “Double Blind Peer Reviewed Process”
(2)Acceptance Letter and Review Copy must be free
(2)A chance to more free Publications in case of win Best Paper Award.
NOTE: We believe on Fair and Quality service on very low rates for the sake of Researchers. 25th-July-14It would be greatly appreciated if you could share this information with your colleagues and associates.

Best wishes,
Chief Editor
Dr.T.S Maria
New York, USA"
I had no idea when I was writing it that my paper "Research Article" would bring me to the attention of such a prestigious publication as International Journal of Case Studies Impact Factor 3.582. What can I say? I am deeply troubled honored. I am totally going for the life time offer.

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